Tai Ji practice - China

Tai Ji practice - China






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Sample Module Material

Descriptions of 6 of the 8 individul course Modules:

Module 1 and 8: About CPD and Life-Long Learning (Module 1), and Constructing and using a CPD Journal (Module 8).

Module 2
: Main principles of Qi Healing and Medical Qi-Gong and Medical Tai Chi: The broader multicultural learning context required for a substantive understanding of TCM principles and concepts

Module 3: Explaining the main principles of Qi Healing and Medical Qi-Gong and Medical Tai Chi to clients and students.

Module 4:
Applying Qi Healing and Medical Qi-Gong and Medical Tai Chi to a range of specific medical conditions : further details about TCM Meridian and qi-flow systems

Module 5
: Promoting the good name of Qi Healing and Medical Qi-Gong and Medical Tai Chi to the general public. AND relating complementary practices using qi to the needs of the NHS, and evaluating how to develop a constructive dialogue with NHS GP’s, specialists and nursing staff.

Sample material extracts from Module 2 :

Main principles of Qi Healing and Medical Qi-Gong and Medical Tai Chi: The broader multicultural learning context required for a substantive understanding of TCM principles and concepts

Nature of this Module:

This module comprises of two parts and provides:

Part 1: Descriptions of the main principles and core areas of Traditional Chinese Qi Healing and related therapeutic arts (Medical Qi-Gong and Tai Chi for health).
Part 2: Useful information concerning the multicultural learning dimension of the topic, provided through some text material and a related research open question.

Module Two: Part 1

Please read the information provided below and then answer two of the three open questions, drawing upon your clinical practice or teaching experience.

Main principles and concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Qi: intrinsic energy, and Qi-Flow within the human body
The Chinese concept of the interrelationship of Mind-body-spirit:
Yin-Yang: the concept of balance
Five Element Theory
The Meridians and Zhang-Fu organs
TCM diagnosis: Colour, Sound, Odour, Emotion,...

Sample Question:

Question3: How do you present to your patients or students the Yin-Yang balance / harmony concept of TCM so that they can understand this fundamental ‘balance’ concept of TCM?